Life has already become a little bit easier. At least I guess so.
I have been to a 4 day seminar in Berlin, now I can work as a 'Teamer' or a 'Nightie' for RUF-Jugendreisen during summer.. Spain, here I come :)
I blog either in English or in German or, when I feel funny, in both languages. I'm 22 years old, live in Germany and use this to broadcast my thoughts ;-)
Easier life #6
Easier life #5
Life would be so much easier if I wasn't that lazy.. Just decided to go to work one hour later. But I haven't figured out yet if I call to tell my boss or not. Hmm..
But the good thing about this is: I'm not doing it because I'm in a bad mood but because I want to sit in the sun a little bit longer. Awesome =)
5.18.2009 | who dares to open the door? it's benz at 2:12 PM 0 smartasses
Straight from my office chair
5.16.2009 | who dares to open the door? it's benz at 2:29 PM 0 smartasses
Ich gebe meine politische Überzeugung preis.. Es mag überrraschen, aber ich stimme am wenigsten mit der DVU überein :P
Am meisten mit der Piratenpartei oder der FDP. Na, da nehm ich doch die Piraten. Arrrr! für die Europawahl am 07. Juni 2009
5.13.2009 | who dares to open the door? it's benz at 11:57 PM 0 smartasses
Easier life #4
If I remembered my boss went to the doctor this morning I wouldn't have to stand in front of a closed door..
Way to work: 30 minutes
Waiting: 5 minutes
Way back: 30 minutes.
Wasted time again..
5.11.2009 | who dares to open the door? it's benz at 11:53 AM 0 smartasses
Easier life #3
Mein Leben wäre ebenfalls deutlich leichter, wenn ich vernünftige Portrait-, Profil- und Ganzkörperaufnahmen von mir besitzen würde und nicht nur welche, die zufällig beim Feiern entstanden sind.. ;-)
who dares to open the door? it's benz at 12:10 AM 0 smartasses
What's this all about?
Well, you might ask yourself a completely legitimate questions: "Why the hell another blog? Why the hell does this douche blog in more than one languages?"
Answer #1: Just because.
Answer #2: Well, I love speaking English. But sometimes I'm either too lazy or just not skilled enough to write a text in English. That's why I sometimes use the German language. Zudem ist auch diese Sprache sehr schön. Ab und zu jedenfalls.
I don't expect anybody to read this, I'm doing it for myself. But of course is everybody who feels like he (I hate so called gender mainstreaming) has to state a point welcome to do so.
5.10.2009 | who dares to open the door? it's benz at 11:12 PM 0 smartasses
Easier life #1 + #2
Life would be so much easier if I only had bought some coins for the shared washing machines. Now I can't wash my clothes. I'm supposed to die dirty and alone. (My flatmates aren't here for the weekend.)
And if I wasn't struggling with time schedules. Everytime when I'm not under pressure with appointments I just waste the whole day..
"If I had a minute for every hour that I wasted, I'd be rich in time." (Jack Johnson, Broken)
So true.
who dares to open the door? it's benz at 3:17 PM 0 smartasses